Девушка-пастор бросила проповеди и ослушалась родителей ради своей мечты — стать стриптизёршей (1)

Николь Митчелл
Николь Митчелл Фото: Скриншот с Instagram

Американка Николь Митчелл росла в консервативной религиозной семье, которая придерживалась строгих взглядов на воспитание дочки. Они считали, что девушка должна быть тихой, сдержанной и милой. Однако у самой Николь на жизнь были другие планы, пишет New York Post.

«С ранней юности я мечтала стать стриптизершей. Но мне внушили, что мои желания и мое тело изначально греховны и плохи», - говорит Николь.

Воплотить свою мечту сразу американка не решилась. Сначала она стала пастором, что тоже вызвало у родителей шок. Ведь, по их мнению, девушке не стоит демонстрировать лидерские качества — она обязана посвящать время домашним делам и заботиться о детях.

«Меня учили, что женщины не должны руководить — их место на кухне и рядом с детьми. Но, несмотря на то что это шло вразрез со всем, что мне говорили, я решила стать пастором из-за моей любви к выступлениям», - вспоминает женщина.

И хотя чтение проповедей тоже приносило девушке удовольствие, в какой-то момент она поняла, что живет чужой жизнью. Тогда Николь просто оставила свою работу, а вскоре устроила первую обнаженную фотосессию. И, по ее словам, расплакалась от обуревавших ее эмоций, пишет Life.ru.

Пастор стала стриптизершей, завела аккаунт на OnlyFans, где продает свои откровенные фото и видео за деньги и ведет курсы по "раскрепощению". В 2019 году она переехала в Лос-Анджелес и развелась с мужем, от которого родила троих детей. Николь призналась, что сейчас счастлива как никогда.

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Trust??your??feelings??. Growing up I was taught I couldn’t trust my feelings, that my feelings would lead me astray. As a result, my job was to listen to the voices and opinions of others, particularly my white male pastors (aka all the red flags right there / white supremacy at work / patriarchy at play). Being a deeply feeling person, I felt conflicted a lot of the time. Because to ignore myself felt wrong... but to trust myself felt scary. But it only felt scary because I had been taught to fear myself. On my journey coming home to myself, I discovered that not only is there nothing to fear but that I am the most powerful source! And my feelings are my super power! Why? Because feelings precede manifestation! When you trust your feelings, when you surrender to your knowing, you can call in anything and everything you want! And especially as an intuitive person, I can make shit happen fast. My??faith??moves??mountains??. Is it any wonder that white cishet men in power would tell me and womxn/queer folx like me that our feelings are dangerous? That we can’t trust overselves? That’s how we become disconnected from our power! That’s how we let others say how our life gets to go instead of deciding and manifesting that for ourselves! This is why I care so deeply about Rise and Release. Because it’s about coming home to yourself, trusting yourself, and building a life based on what YOU want for your life. It’s about taking your power back. It’s about believing in your vision more than your fears. It’s about trusting that deep inner knowing above and beyond the opinions of others. It’s about becoming the fullest expression of you and being deeply and continually rewarded for it. It’s about living an embodied and empowered life where you have the ultimate say on how your life gets to unfold. This is what we’ll be creating and cultivating and unleashing in our time together. And I’d love to have you in there. 4 weeks. 4 live calls. Unlimited support inside our private fb group. A life forever changed. We start next week, so sign up in my bio! ?: moi ? P.S. See more of this set on my Only Fans! Link in bio.?

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When your heart tells you the time is NOW, to go after your dreams, invest in yourself & do the damn thing, there is a v. good chance your ego will throw something at you to try to talk you out of it. The day you make the decision to move forward, . - an unexpected bill shows up - your car gets a flat tire - you get sick - you have a huge fight w/your partner . & what you were TOTALLY pumped up about is suddenly off the table. . "How could I possibly invest in this program when our car just broke down? That'd be irresponsible!" . "I couldn't possibly move forward with my dream when I have all these bills piling up. I'll wait til I have the money." . (Hint: your dream is often what creates the money you need! Plus, waiting for money doesn't work - you have to create it!) . People (subconsciously) attract or create drama / chaos / interruptions as an excuse to NOT follow their heart. And you know what happens? . -Their circumstances don't change. . -Their dreams don't come true (this BREAKS my heart). . - They're still trying to pay off their bills! The question that remains is this: . >>>will you still move forward even when the unexpected & inconvenient happens?<<< . Will you see it for what it really is --> your ego trying everything it can to stop you from stepping into your greatness & keep you in a small, suffocating box. Every successful person has hit the same dilemma on their journey: . ☆Do I rise up anyway or do I stay small? . ☆Do I CREATE the circumstances I desire or do I let my circumstances tell me what I can or cannot do? . ☆Will I see through the bullshit of my ego & into the power & potential that is dying to be released from within me? . ☆Am I willing to trust the invisible calling I feel & put support in place so that I actually make it? That's my question to you today: Will you rise up anyway? Will you say yes to your heart anyway? Don't let the unexpected bill / problem / crisis / nuisance throw you off track. . The world needs YOU, with YOUR vision, YOUR passion, YOUR dream, & YOUR leadership. . It all starts with you saying a brave YES - to yourself, your dreams, your greatness, & to KEEP SAYING YES. . ?: @sasserfraz_pictures

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